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duminică, 22 februarie 2015

Easy to use encryption library for java

If you are looking for an easy to user encryption library, the lightest that I found was jcrypt :

BCrypt.hashpw(password, BCrypt.gensalt(10));
BCrypt.checkpw(pwd1, pwd2);

I need to  specify that I do not need a very secure one because I am not handling sensitive data.

duminică, 15 februarie 2015

Slf4j compatibility issues with Dropwizard and Hibernate annotations

While writing a project using dropwizard(0.7.1) and hibernate annotations(3.5.5-Final) I ran into a problem with the versions of slf4j which is a dependency of both but with different versions. dropwizard uses v1.7.6 and hibernate uses 1.5.8.

The solution was to add in the pom file the following dependency: